Start of 2022 Season
January 10, 2022
Equipment, India visa and tickets in place. Ready to start this years first project in India.
MK 1 of the SubDimension positioning kit for nearshore survey is tested and ready to go for its first project where it will be pushed to the limits in terms of humidity, heat and rough treatment on a near-open boat.
A big thank you to STR for believing in and supplying the necessary positioning gear to a new startup survey company with no track record. Your support is much appreciated.
See below for more pictures from the preparations!
Laptops prepared
Ready for operation
From my home office, a set of laptops required for a single vessel job were prepared for a trenching support job in India.
Positioning box Mk1
Simple yet sophisticated
To keep cost down, but up-time and durability up, the first of its kind SubDimension positioning bo Mk1 was born. Based on customer requirements and fitted with the usual survey components such as Moxa NPort, Gbit switch, Wifi, 4G and UPS.
Laptops & Christmas prep
Powered by EIVA
Even if christmas preparations were in full swing, we found time to prepare the laptops for trenching support in our home office.
Stickers stickers stickers
All the stickers a startup could ever need...